Music Hub Interactive!

Weekly & termly interactive digital content and one-off projects to support music-making in schools. 

Everybody Sing & Curriculum newsletter KS2 & KS3

The music hub will be producing a half termly newsletter diving into the archives to provide suggestions of how to make use of the digital vocal and curriculum resources available on our website and via our YouTube channels over a 6 week period.  This will outline suggestions on what songs and resources to use when delivering singing assemblies or curriculum activities linked to seasonal and celebrations events and day throughout the calendar year.

5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme EYFS, KS1, SEND 

Weekly digital content for this will continue production throughout the year.  In these 5 minute videos you will learn Makaton signs and body percussion for a suitable song for EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils.  You can use these as brain breaks any time during the day or as a starting point for learning a song to perform with your class.  Follow up sensory and classroom activities linked to the song are provided on a slide at the end of every video too.

“An Audience With…” KS2, KS3, KS4 & KS5

Throughout the year we will be creating bitesize videos linked to our projects in which students can submit questions to ask music industry professionals and find out more about the varied careers and experiences of those working in the field.  These will be available and shared via the music hub YouTube channel regularly.