ENO Finish This... Showcase Event

Wednesday 17th April at Great Oaks school KS2, KS3, SEND 

Schools who have signed up to take part in ENO’s fantastic Finish This… composition project will have the opportunity to attend a fantastic sharing event organised by ENO and the music hub. Participating schools will hear music written by other schools in your area, see the amazing animations created to go with them, hear some live opera and take part in some fun musical activities!

For more information on this project please visit https://www.eno.org/discover-opera/learning/finish-this/

As a strategic partner for ENO this year teachers and schools signed up to this project will also have the opportunity to take part in an online training event and an in-person training event at Bassett Green Primary as follows:

Monday 8th January 2024; 4-5:30pm - Online Project briefing for all teachers delivering Finish This

Wednesday 17th January 2024; 4-5:30pm - In-person teacher CPD event held at Bassett Green Primary School, Southampton.

For more information please contact ENO directly or nia.collins@southamptonmusichub.org for any queries about the CPD or sharing events.

Nia CollinsSEND, KS2, Opera, composition