An Audience with - Music Industry Professionals and Performers

An opportunity for pupils to interact and interview music industry professionals and performers

Video content and interactive response KS2, KS3, KS4 & KS5

Throughout the academic year 2023-2024 we will be making An Audience With… an interactive youth lead experience for schools and a fantastic vehicle for bringing the music industry into the classroom, inspiring pupils to work within our industry and developing aspirations for the future.  This project has been specifically created to support teachers and young people to understand more about the many roles and pathways into the music industry. Alongside allowing children and young people to take the lead on planning and creating content.

For every event, workshop and activity we are organising this year we will build in an opportunity for young people to interview and talk to those involved be they musicians, sound engineers or touring producers. Permissions will of course be sought prior to any filming and we will also be asking young people to think about what they would like to ask in advance.

All of this content will be available via our YouTube Channel and schools will be signposted to this once it has been uploaded.  This will then be shared widely with all schools and settings in the city

Lynn Surname